Read Education in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Comparative Analysis. Comparative analysis of data provided and collected vance for other sub-Saharan African universities and higher education institutions in general elsewhere. In sub-Saharan Africa fertility ideals (the number of children people For women with higher education the difference between SSA countries Education in Sub-Saharan Africa:a comparative analysis Abstract. This study of education in sub-Saharan Africa draws on the collective knowledge of country-specific education studies prepared over the past decade to focus on fundamental questions such as these: Is everyone getting a Of all the regions in the world, Sub-Saharan Africa has the worst Just 46% of primary school teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa are Bridge named as a Top Ten Employer in Africa for those who 'want to make a real difference Teachers and the quality of basic education in Sub-Saharan Africa Others play down this difference between contract and tenured teachers (Bourdon, Fr